Our 2025 theme for the 3rd Annual Multiplicity Conference is "United in Divided Times.” We will examine the Church’s call to be a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural witness amidst cultural, political, and ideological divides. We’ll dive deep into discussions, bringing our cultural differences and experiences to the table, working toward being the kinds of churches that reflect the picture of the Church in Revelation 7:9…a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people, and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.2025 Keynote Speakers:
Justin Giboney – An attorney and ordained minister in Atlanta, Georgia, Giboney helped found the AND Campaign, a civic organization trying to get Christians to rethink the way they do politics. Giboney works tirelessly to provide a practical and biblical framework that helps the church navigate cultural and political divides with wisdom and grace.
Dr. Steve Bezner – Serves as Senior Pastor of Houston Northwest Church —a culturally and ethnically diverse church in the most diverse city in the US, and author of the recently published book, Your Jesus Is Too American: Calling the Church to Reclaim Kingdom Values Over the American Dream. Reserve your spot now with early registration for $25 through December 31, 2024.
This includes continental breakfast and lunch. Don’t wait—sign up today and invite your friends, church leaders, and team members to join us for this timely gathering.
Together, we will deepen our faith, grow in understanding, and strengthen our commitment to the transcendence of God’s Kingdom.